CBD Is Kryptonite to Inflammation
/So many chronic conditions share a common underlying cause. Ultimately, the main issue is the powerful role of inflammation. Recent research has demonstrated that CBD has wide ranging activity on reducing systemic inflammation, and positively modulating the immune system. CBD has also been demonstrated to be specifically effective in dealing with various types of pain. 1
With dozens of different targets throughout your body, CBD has a staggering variety of therapeutic properties.2 There are several ways to appreciate CBD. Different delivery methods affect what it can be used for and how often to take it. If you’re looking for immediate, short-term relief, then inhaled products like a vaporizer might be ideal. On the other hand, if you want to maintain steady levels of CBD throughout the day, then an oral product would be more appropriate.
Orally, CBD can be absorbed directly into your bloodstream from capillary-rich areas underneath the tongue, along the gums and cheek. This route gets CBD into your bloodstream faster than swallowing. Under the tongue is generally quicker than against the cheek. However, because most of the CBD will eventually be swallowed, it takes roughly 0.5 - 3 hours to take effect. It is often suggested to keep CBD oil in your mouth for 1.5 minutes or more before swallowing. 3 It will improve absorption by vigorously swishing the oil around your mouth and even between your teeth — this increases the surface contact between the oil and your capillaries. 4.
1000 mg CBD Tincture from Healthy Roots
Finding the right dose of CBD is a highly individual process. Start with a very low dose. Try 3-6 drops of an oral formulation (10 mg or less), or a tiny puff off a vaporizer. This will be well below the recommended serving size listed on the product. Wait at least an hour for vaporizers, and a few hours for an oral formula before adding more. Any effects you feel will be the cumulative result of both doses. 5
Food can affect your body’s ability to absorb CBD, and more cannabinoids are absorbed on a full stomach. CBD is fat-soluble, and consuming with a healthy dose of fats can increase the amount of CBD that reaches your bloodstream threefold. 6
Once you find your optimal CBD method and dosage, be aware that it may change if you switch products. Some manufacturers are less trustworthy than others, so different CBD sources may have different effects. Also, scientists recently discovered that broad spectrum CBD extracts from cannabis or hemp plants are much more effective than so-called “pure” CBD isolates. 7
When CBD is inhaled, it passes to the lungs where it rapidly passes into the bloodstream. This is the quickest way to get CBD circulating through your system, but it also is effective for the shortest period of time. Peak bloodstream levels are within 10 minutes. If you’re mostly looking to try CBD for muscle aches and pains, a topical application (one you put on your body, not in your mouth) can be a good option. The value of topical applications is that they work quickly and target one area. Athletes love them for pain and injury. 8
Concentration, or strength, refers to the total amount of CBD in a given product and is measured in milligrams (mg). This is different from dosage, which indicates the amount of CBD per serving. For instance, if a bottle of CBD tincture has a concentration of 1000 mg and contains 30 milliliters (mL) of tincture, with 1 mL as the standard serving size, each 1-mL serving will contain approximately 33.3 mg of CBD. You are not ingesting 1000 mg with each dosage.
You may develop a tolerance to CBD over time, which can result in reduced effects from the same dosage. Higher subsequent doses may be needed to achieve the desired results. Oils and tinctures typically come in 15-mL or 30-mL bottles. These products vary significantly in terms of concentration, ranging anywhere from 100 mg to 5000 mg. The key to understanding tincture dosage is serving size, which is usually 1 mL per serving.
As discussed previously, CBD has incredible anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial for a myriad of conditions. Whether vaping, ingesting oils and tinctures or through topical application, the concentration, dosage and delivery methods matter. Consider CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties for pain, relaxation, sleep or to improve the immune system. It may be just what the doctor ordered!
The author, Dr. David Berv, is a certified chiropractic sports physician, acupuncture diplomate. He is a co-owner of The Float Zone, and can be reached at david@myfloatzone. To read other posts visit our blog page.
1 https://www.drperlmutter.com/targeting-inflammation-with-cbd/
2. https://www.foriawellness.com/blogs/learn/discover-benefits-cbd